Garlic-roasted doktorska sausage with batata harra, served with a roasted butternut squash slaw

Serves two.


Butternut squash: 1
Celery sticks: 3
Spring onions: 4
Carrots: 2
Red cabbage head: 1/2
Olive oil: 1 tbsp
Lemon juice: 1 lemon.
Honey: 1 tbsp
Greek yoghurt: 5 tbsp
Salt: 1 tsp
Black pepper: 1 tsp
Dried dill: 4 tbsp

Basic method:

Roast the butternut squash for approximately 30 minutes, before taking out to cool down. While the squash roasts, chop all the vegetables into small pieces, and, along with the dill, put into a large mixing bowl. Put the oil, lemon juice, honey, yoghurt and seasoning into a separate bowl and whisk until smooth and well blended. Add the dressing to the bowl of veg and mix well. Separate the flesh of the squash from its skin, and slice into small pieces, before adding to the mixture of vegetables.

Batata harra.

Potatoes: 8 large or 6 medium
Garlic: 4 cloves
Smoked paprika: 4 tbsp
Cayenne pepper: 2 tsp
Olive oil: 5 tbsp
Salt: 1 tsp
Black pepper: 1 tsp
Fresh corrandar: 1 bunch

Basic method:

Peel your potatoes, before slicing the ends and sides off of each potato, forming block-like pieces of potato. Chop these down into smaller-sized cubes. Chop the garlic finely and combine with the remainder of the ingredients (excluding the coriander). Use this as a dressing to smother the potato cubes with, before frying off the potatoes well. Serve with chopped coriander.


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